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Sabtu, 08 September 2012

Hortatory Exposition Text

M Title                        : The human resources of our country is poor
M Thesis                     :
·         We have low educational standard
·         Effort to build human resources is low
·         Government is too busy with their own business
·         Economic , social and culture factor

M Arguments               :
·         As we know, our country have low educational standard. Start with our bad educational curriculum. Our educational curriculum is too complex for our student to understand easily. The lesson is too much so student can’t be focus in one lesson.
·         Effort to build human resources is poor. These thesis synchronies with the third thesis. Government is too busy with their own business. Governments have no time for thinking about how we can build our human resources. Although people can’t build human resources alone without government command.
·         Economic Social and culture are the most important factor related to the human resources. Low economic level make people just thinking about how they can eat that day. Culture; however is the decline habit of people. It’s difficult to be change.

M Recommendation      :
·         Government must change the curriculum, so the curriculum not makes our student lazy to study the lesson and student can be more focus in one thing.
·         Although government have so many business, but government should not forgetting the way of our country to be a country that have high human resources standard.
·         Government must thinking the way to build our human resources
·         Not only government but also the people that must change the bad habit to be better habit.
·         Government assist by people in our country together build our economic standard.

Jumat, 07 September 2012

Cooking Gallery: Resep Ayam Masak Paniki

Cooking Gallery: Resep Ayam Masak Paniki: Bahan-bahan : 1 ekor ayam sedang, belah bagian perutnya 15 cabai merah 10 siung bawang merah 4 siung bawang putih 1 lembar daun kun...

Naskah Pidato Sambutan pada Hari Kebangkitan Nasional

Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.
Hadirin yang berbahagia.
Syukur Alhamdulillah kita panjatkan kehadirat Allah SWT. yang telah melimpahkan rahmat serta hidayah-Nya kepada kita semua. Sehingga kata dapat berumpul dalam keadaan tak kurang suatu apapun dalam rangka memperingati Hari Kebangkitan Nasional.
Bapak, Ibu serta hadirin sekalian,
Marilah kita ulas sejenak mengenai sejarah Hari Kebangkitan Nasional. Sebagaimana kita ketahui bersama bahwa perjuangan tempo dulu itu masih bersigat tradisional. Sehingga seringkali mengalami kegagalan dalam mengusir penjajah. Seperti yang dipimpin oleh pahlawan-pahlawan kita antara lain Pangeran Diponegoro, Sultan Hassanudin, Untung Suropati, Cut Nyak Dien, dan lain-lain.Antara pemimpin daerah yang satu dengan pemimpin daerah lain sama sekali tidak ada komunikasi. Semua berjuang sendiri-sendiri dalam usaha mempertahankan daerah masing-masing.
Hadirin sekalian.
Ternyata keadaan yang seperti inilah yang akhirnya memunculkan inspirasi cemerlang dari seorang cendekiawan kita.
Pada tanggal 20 Mei 1908, Bapak Dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo mendirikan Himpunan Budi Utomo. Yang kemudian dijadikan ajang perjuangan dan penuangan aspirasi rakyat Indonesia untuk mencapai kemerdekaan. Budi utomo merupakan sarana pembangkit semangat juang, semangat patriotisme, khususnya para pemudanya. Untuk melepaskan diri dari kekejaman penjajah, yang telah beratus-ratus tahun lamanya merenggut hak-hak bangsa Indonesia agar dapat hidup dengan tenang seperti semula.
Setelah Budi Utomo berdiri, mempelopori berdirinya organisasi-organisasi lain seperti Serikat Islam (SI), Partai Nasional Indonesia (PNI) dan sebagainya.
Dengan berorganisasi, perjuangan yang dilakukan mulai terorganisir. Mulailah tampak sikap yang tegas dan anti terhadap penjajah. Tercetusnya Budi Utomo telah membangkitkan bangsa Indonesia menuju perjuangan sosial polotik secara terbuka. Sengan tekad yang bulat dan jiwa patriotisme yang tinggi, bangsa Indonesia berusaha mencapai kemerdekaan Nasional yang utuh.
Nah, demikianlah ulasan sekilah mengenai sejarah kebangkitan nasional bangsa Indonesia. Kita dapat membayangkan betapa berat penderitaan dan perjuangan yang dilakukan oleh nenek moyang kita dulu. Peluru dan meriam tidaklah menjadi momok bagi para pejuang, namum justru malah menjadi penyulut semangat bagi mereka.
Hadirin yang berbahagia.
Alhadulillah kita sekarang sudah berada di negara Republi Indonesia yang merdeka dan berdaulat. Semoga para pemuda sebagai penerus bangsa masih mewarisi jiwa patriotisme para pendahulu kita. Di era sekarang ini, bukanlah peluru ataupun meriam yang kita lawan. Yang kita perjuangkan pada era seperti sekarang ini adalah  upaya untuk mengisi kemerdekaan dengan hal-hal yang berguna bagi kemaslahatan bangsa dan negara kita.
Hadirin sekalian.
Demikianlah kiranya sambutan yang dapat saya berikan. Semoga dapat diambil hikmahnya dan semoga tuhan senantiasa meridhai jalan kita semua. Amin yaa rabbal 'alamin.
Wassalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.

Kamis, 06 September 2012

Laporan Praktikum Pembuatan Koloid (MAKING COLLOIDS)

I.            TOPIC          : Making colloids by condensation method and dispersion method.

II.          OBJECTIVE        
1.    To make colloids by condensation method.
2.    To make colloids by dispersion method.

Colloid is a heterogeneous mixture between two substances or more which is dispersion phase spread evenly in its dispersion medium. Colloid particles have size about 1-100 nm. Colloid is a mixture that its size between suspension and solution. Colloid seems like homogeneous substance but actually it is heterogeneous substance.
The characteristic of colloid are:
a.  Tyndall effect
Colloid particles disseminate light it called Tyndall effect.
b. Brownian movement
Brownian movement is colloid particles movement in zigzag line.
c.  Adsorption
Adsorption is charge absorption by colloid particles surface.
d.  Coagulation
Coagulation is coagulating process from colloid particles so stability is decrease.
e.  Colloid protector
Colloid protector is adding colloid into other colloid so it will stable.
f.   Lyophilize colloid
Lyophilize colloid is colloid that its dispersion phase liked to draw its dispersion medium.
g.  Lyophob colloid
Lyophob colloid is colloid that its dispersion phase doesn’t like to draw its dispersion medium.
      Making colloid can be made by two methods are dispersion and condensation. Dispersion method can be made by three ways are mechanic, peptisasion, and Bredig arc. Condensation can be made by four ways are hydrolyze, redoks, solvent replacement, and mix watery solutions. Mechanic way is did by grind substance so it become colloid. Peptisasion is knapping big particles by adding knapping substance. Bredig arc is a tool that used to make metal colloid. Hydrolyze is making colloid in water. Redoks is making colloid that is engage oxidation number changing.

a.    Tools:
1.    Beaker glass
2.    Burning cup
3.    Safety match
4.    Flashlight
5.    Spatula
6.    Mortar porcelain
7.    Pestle porcelain
8.    Reaction tube
9.    Bunsen
b.   Materials:
1.    7 ml calcium acetate
2.    40 ml alcohol 95%
3.    3 ml AgNO3 solution 0,1 M
4.    5 ml HCl 0,1 M
5.    Sugar
6.    Sulfur powder
7.    Water
8.    Jelly powder
9.    1 ml kerosene
10. Detergent

V.           WORK STEP
A.    Make colloids with condensation method:
1.    Replacement solvent
a.    Prepare beaker glass and fill it with 7 ml calcium acetate. Then add 40 ml alcohol 95%. Observe gel which is formed.
b.    Pour calcium acetate gel into burning cup. Then burn that gel. Observe and write down what happened.
2.    Mix watery solutions
a.    Pour 3 ml AgNO3 solution 0,1 M into reaction tube and add 5 ml HCl solution 0,1 M.
b.    Mix it and write down the observation result.
B.    Make colloids with dispersion method:
1.    Making sol sulfur
a.    Grind ½ spoon of sugar and ½ spoon of sulfur powder in mortar and pestle porcelain.
b.    Take ½ parts from that mixture and add ½ spoon of sugar into it. Grind again.
c.    Do the same procedure until 4 times.
d.    Take 2 spatula of grind mixture into ½ parts water in reaction tube.
e.    Take 2 spatula sugar and sulfur powder into ½ parts water in another reaction tube.
f.     Observe it and compare each other.
g.    Radiate it with flashlight and write down the result.
2.    Making sol gel
a.    Pour 1 spatula of gel powder into reaction tube which is filled water about ½ parts.
b.    Warm and stir it with spatula.
c.    Then, refrigerate it.
d.    Observe and write down the result.
3.    Making emulsion
a.    Pour about 1 ml kerosene and 5 ml water into reaction tube.
b.    Shake the reaction tube strongly.
c.    Wait about 1-3 minutes. Observe what happened with it.
d.    Drip 25 drop detergent solution and shake it again.
e.    Wait about 1-3 minutes. Observe what happened and write down the result.

VI.         RESULT
1.    Gel from 7 ml calcium acetate and 40 ml alcohol 95% can disseminate light.
2.    Mixture from 3 ml AgNO3 solution and 5 ml HCl can disseminate light.
3.    Mixture between sulfur and sugar that grinding can disseminate light.
4.    Jelly can disseminate light.
5.    Mixture from water, kerosene, and detergent can disseminate light.

1.    Replacement solvent
Mixture from 7 ml calcium acetate and 40 ml alcohol 95% formed gel.
a.    Before burning, that gel occur Tyndall effect.
b.    After burning, formed burning remainder.     
2.    Mix watery solutions
After 3 ml AgNO3 solution 0,1 M are added by 5 ml HCl 0,1 M formed AgCl precipitation and HNO3 solution. When it is given light Tyndall effect occur.
3.    Making sol Sulfur
a.    Making sol sulfur with grinding sulfur and sugar will produce colloid that occur Tyndall effect.
b.    Mix sulfur and sugar without grinding will produce suspension that Tyndall effect didn’t occur.
4.    Making sol of jelly
The mixture form jelly and occur Tyndall effect.
5.    Making emulsion
a.    When kerosene is mixed with water, Tyndall effect didn’t occur.
b.    When that mixture is added by detergent it occur Tyndall effect.

The mixtures that include colloid are;
1.   The mixture between AgNO3 solution and HCl solution that form AgCl (colloid) and HNO3.
2.    Gel that formed from calcium acetate and alcohol.
3.    Sol sulfur that grinded.
4.    Jelly.
5.    Mixture between kerosene, water and detergent.